Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Fest

We usually have a Fall Festival at church on Halloween. This year, mostly due to Ike, it has been canceled. However, the Children's Ministry made sure to have something for the kids at church this morning. They asked all of the kids to wear their costumes too.

John is Handy Manny from Playhouse Disney. Robby is cowboy. I know that he is really Woody from Toy Story, who is actually a Sheriff, but Robby doesn't really know the movie that well, so he just knows that he is a cowboy! Robby also doesn't realize that he is missing a gun for his holster...and what he doesn't know, won't hurt him!!

By the way, did you notice how well my roses recovered from Hurricane Ike? They had been pretty stripped of their leaves, but thanks to the great weather that God has provided since Ike, they are healthy and back to new again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cuties! Love the crumpled hat.

and sometimes a little storm is good...not just for plants. :-)