Thursday, September 4, 2008

For Your Entertainment

Here are some pictures from the Alphabet Book:

Daddy decided to torture the boys one morning by threading their nuggies (pacifiers) through a bathtub toy number. You know, the numbers that stick to the sides of the bathtubs when wet? The boys thought this was hysterically funny...until they were ready for naps, and then not so much!

My boys love to wear hats! They are also pretty good about leaving them on top of their heads too! The hats at Christmas time are puppy dog beanies. These outfits were very popular when we went out in public!

As many of you know, I decorate my Christmas tree in Mickey Mouse ornaments. This year, I was able to add a Mickey Mouse train that went around under my tree. It was so much fun! The boys are demonstrating the epitome of Christmas...the dreams and imaginations of little boys where a train is the coolest thing ever!

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